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Sorry, this content is only available in Slovenian language.
PLACE Ljubljana, Slovenia
DATE June 20 to July 8, 2005
NOMINATION 22 April, 2005
ORGANIZER Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
PARTICIPATION This workshop is designed for staff of nuclear research reactors, nuclear utilities, managers, technical support organizations and policy makers from developing nations.
The workshop is open to 20 – 25 participants.
Registration Fee: 350 Euros
As a rule, registration, travel and subsistence expenses of the participants should be borne by the home institutions. However, limited funds are available for some participants and registration fees may be waived for those attending from developing countries.
Opportunities are being offered for participants to submit papers for a potential lecture slots to be decided by the organizer for relevance to the topic areas.
Attendance at the complete three week workshop is recommended however senior managers may chose to attend individual weeks should space permit.
Candidates should complete and sign the »Request for Participation« form and post it to:
Jožef Stefan Institute
Nuclear Training Centre
Jamova 39, 1001 Ljubljana
Fax: + 386 1 588 5376
LANGUAGE The workshop will be held in English.
Nuclear power shows great promise as an economical, safe, and emission-free source for electrical energy as demand for electricity continues to grow because electricity is the fuel of economic growth. As the governments of developing nations strive to improve their economies electricity use is increasing. Several forcasts of electrical generation growth have concluded that world electricity demand will roughly double in the next 20-25 years, and possible triple by 2050.
The past few years have seen several multinational initiatives looking at the prospects for the medium and long term development of nuclear energy, these include:
1. The USA led Generation IV International Forum (GIF), which began its work in 2000.
2. The IAEAs International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO), which was launched in 2000.
While the current generations of nuclear power plant designs, provide an acceptable electricity supply, it is believed that further advances in nuclear energy system design could increase opportunities for nuclear energy use . With this in mind GIF was formed for the collaborative development and demonstration for one or more fourth generation nuclear energy systems that could offer advantages in economics, safety and realibility, sustainability, and could be deployed commercially by 2030. The aim is to share expertise, recources, and test facilities to improve efficiency and avoid duplication. Six Generation IV nuclear plant concepts were selected for international collaboration and development. In the interim, advanced Generation III reactors are available for near term deployment in addition to the Next Generation Nuclear Plant being proposed in the US.
INPRO takes the long-term outlook that nuclear energy should be considered in the broader prospective of future energy needs, and addresses the problems from the point of view of potential users in developing countries by indentifying these specific needs. INPRO has not yet addressed any specific tehnology.
At the IAEA General conference in September 2003 a resolution was adopted stressing the need for inter collaboration in developing innovative nuclear technology. It is clear that the development of the next generation of nuclear systems will be possible only through a large international cooperative effort including the nuclear industry and research organizations. The two main cooperative initiatives – INPRO and Generation IV – have much in common in that they are all seeking the development of innovative nuclear energy systems.
The primary mission of the Nuclear Training Centre (NTC) of the »J. Stefan« Institute is training in the areas of nuclear technology. Within this mission, organisation of international training courses is very important task. With this in mind, the NTC will organize a workshop for participants from developing countries dealing with the problems concerning the planning and execution of the Generation III and IV strategy in order to provide the participants with technical information with which will be possible to make sound policy decisions. Because the future nuclear energy market is a world market, Generation III and especially IV technology will be a world product, therefore the full engagement of the international community in this effort, including the involment of both industrialized and developing nations is needed.
This workshop will cover several important aspects of nuclear energy technology – research reactors, power reactors, data sources and reactor simulators and advanced nuclear energy technologies. All of these topical areas will likely be of interest to developing nations interested in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy technology.
In order to refresh the knowledge about phenomena occuring in power reactors a few practical exercises together with theoretical explanations will be conducted in the 250 KW research reactor TRIGA. The reactor is equiped for advanced training in reactor experiments and measurements. The theoretical part will include lectures on calculations and measurements of fuel elements burn-up and main reactor safety parameters using widely available computer codes. Basic principles of general reactor safety analysis will be presented as well with practical exercises in managing power reactor transients using PWR NPP engineering simulator. A visit to the Nuclear Power Plant Krsko will be also organized.
The workshop will provide opportunities to discuss specific topics related to advanced reactor systems. Participants will be expected to present their national experience and plans on the topics for the workshop.
Week 1
1. Introduction
– Overview of the workshop
– Workshop objectives
2. Current issues in research and power reactors
– Research reactors status (overview)
– Operational challenges
– Burn-up calculations and measurments
– Research reactor aging, life extension and upgrading
– New Research Reactor Designs
– Decomissioning, safety and non-proliferation
– NPP status worldwide
– NPP operational challenges, aging and life extension
– Safety Culture and Management Issues
– Risk Assessment
– Improving Operational Performance
Week 2
4. Next Generation of Nuclear Technology
– Overview of advance reactor design objectives
– MIT Future of Nuclear Energy Study
– University of Chicago Nuclear Economics Study
– Evolutionary (Generation III) Reactor Designs
– Generation IV Nuclear Plant Concepts
– Modular Pebble Bed Reactor (MPBR)
– Current Design and Safety issues
– Risk informed regulation – technology neutral
– Fast Reactors and Accelerator Driven Systems
– Desalination and Hydrogen Production
– International Deployment Issues – Fuel Supply, Safety, Waste, Non-proliferation
Week 3
3. Basic Reactor Data and Simulation
– Introduction to Nuclear Data (access)
– Introduction to reactor simulators
– Reactor Transients and Accidents
– Simulator exercises
– Heavy water simulators
– Advanced reactor simulators
– Krsko Nuclear Plant Tour
4. Workshop Evaluation
5. Each week will also have social sponsored social functions for attendees.
22 February 2005
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