
Our Lectures for General Public

We offer three lectures (Only in Slovenian language):

For whom are the lectures intended?

The lectures are mostly appropriate for school groups from the seventh grade up. However, other visitors are also welcome.

Is any previous knowledge necessary?

Both lectures are on a very basic level. Very little previous knowledge is necessary. Our lecturers adjust the level according to the knowledge and interest of the public.

How many visitors can come?

We can accept up to 50 visitors at a time.
After the lecture there is a workshop about radioactivity nad guided tour around the energy nuclear technology exhibition. Smaller groups can also visit the TRIGA Nuclear Research Reactor and/or accelerator by prior arrangement.

Duration of the visit?

Each lecture lasts about 45 minutes. The complete visit takes about two and a half hours.


The visit is free of charge!


We recommend that you attend all lectures, but not during the same visit. Please make your reservation at least few weeks in advance, so that we can provide you with a lecturer and guarantee the most convenient time for you.

Please contact us

by phone

+386 (0)1 588 52 98


send us an e-mail: icjt@ijs.si

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Sorry, the following content is only available in Slovenian language. Continue rea more [...]
Sorry, this content is only available in Slovenian language. more [...]