
In the basement of our Training Centre we have an Information Centre with a permanent exhibition on energy and nuclear technology.
The emphasis is given to nuclear power plant technology and radioactive waste management.

The thoroughly renovated and updated exhibition on energy and nuclear technology was opened in 2023. In addition to panels presenting topics from general energy to the operation of nuclear power plants and climate change in both Slovenian and English, the following models and exhibits are also included:
  • Sun
  • Electricity in Europe ("Electricity maps")
  • Bicycle - human-powered power plant
  • Energy - interactive exhibit
  • Simulator of Slovenia's power system management
  • Electricity - interactive exhibit
  • Electricity in Slovenia - interactive exhibit
  • Climate change - collage of videos and photos
  • Cloud chamber
  • Contamination meter
  • Handheld radioactivity meters
  • Radioactivity carousel
  • Old modular instruments for measuring radioactivity
  • First radioactive source in Slovenia
  • Nuclear technologies at the Jožef Stefan Institute
  • Core of the TRIGA reactor
  • Chain reaction - simulation
  • Nuclear power plant simulator
  • Turbine blade
  • Steam turbine operation - simulation
  • Model of a fuel element NEK
  • Model of the control room of the Krško nuclear power plant
  • Nuclear power plant map - interactive map
  • Nuclear fuel - video
  • Model of a vaporizer NEK
  • Model of a reactor vessel NEK
  • Protective equipment for working in a radioactive environment
  • Barrels for radioactive waste
  • Model of a disposal site in Slovenia
  • Animation of the operation of a radioactive waste disposal site
  • JET poster
  • Plasma simulation in JET
  • Diverter
  • JET model
  • Inertial fusion model
  • Plasma ball
  • Fusion simulator
  • Quiz
  • Monitor with frequently asked questions
In addition there is also a separate smaller exhibition with historical overview entitled:

Virtualni sprehod – Razstava o jedrski tehnologiji

Vstop na virtualni sprehod – Razstava o jedrski tehnologiji more [...]

Video predavanja

Predstavitev makete reaktorske posode jedrske elektrarne Krško   Predstavitev makete gorivnega elementa jedrske elektrarne Krško   Predstavitev makete odlagališča RAO   Predstavitev vrtiljaka radioaktivnosti   Virtualni ogled raziskovalnega reaktorja TRIGA more [...]