NPP Technology (“TJE”)
This is our most important course intended as the initial theoretical training course for the future operators of the Krško nuclear power plant.
The 20-weeks course gives the trainees the necessary theoretical knowledge and includes training on
the TRIGA research reactor and on the multifunction simulator of the NPP.
Lectures and exercises of the training course cover following subjects:
- Refresher of basic mathematics and physics
- Introduction into nuclear power
- Nuclear physics
- Nuclear physics – experimental exercises
- Reactor physics
- Reactor physics – experimental exercises
- Radiation protection
- Radiation protection – experimental exercises
- Chemistry in nuclear power plants
- Thermodynamics and hydrodynamics
- Materials
- Electrical engineering
- Instrumentation and control
- Nuclear safety
- English in nuclear technology
After the theoretical course training continues in the Krško nuclear power plant with detailed study of plant systems and exercises with the full scope simulator.
Basics of NPP Tech. (“OTJE”)
This course is intended for the technical staff of the nuclear power plant that needs basic knowledge about the nuclear power plant. It is also very suitable for the staff of the institutes, government institutions and companies that cooperate with the Krško nuclear power plant.
OTJE consists of two parts:
First part of the training course (4 and 1/2 weeks) provides the trainees with basic understanding of nuclear technology:
- Introduction
- Nuclear physics
- Reactor physics
- Radiation protection
- Chemistry in nuclear power plants
- Thermodynamics and hydrodynamics
- Materials
- Introduction to electrical engineering
- Introduction to instrumentation and control
- Nuclear safety
Second part of the course (3 and 1/2 weeks) introduces the trainees to important technological systems of Krško nuclear power plant:
- Introduction
- Primary system
- Auxiliary primary systems
- Safety systems
- Secondary systems
- Control systems
- Electrical systems
- Reactor protection system
- Support systems
- Power plant operation
- Walkdown of plant systems
Radiation protection
Jožef Stefan Institute is an authorised institution in the field of Radiation protection and Radiation protection training in Slovenia (authorisation issued by the Radiation protection administration of the Republic of Slovenia).
Initial and refresher courses that result in certificates (permissions) for the work with ionising radiation are carried out.
A wide spectrum of courses for different users is available. Courses can be adapted to individual requirements and needs.
Other courses in nuclear technology
Occasionally specialised courses for the staff of Krško NPP, Nuclear safety administration of Slovenia and other users are carried out.
International courses
In collaboration with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) the Nuclear training centre (ICJT) has carried out more than 100 international courses in different areas of nuclear technology and radiation protection.
NTC (ICJT) has developed into a “Regional Resource Centre IAEA” – an established and well known centre in Europe and in the world.
In recent time several courses have been organised in collaboration with the European Union.
According to individual requirements courses from different areas can be carried out.