Please check: Future courses on radiation protection
2 June 2015
Sorry, this content is only available in Slovenian language.
28 March 2015
Sorry, this content is only available in Slovenian language.
26 March 2015
Sorry, this content is only available in Slovenian language.
11 February 2015
Please check: Future courses on radiation protection
12 January 2015
The Nuclear Society of Slovenia in association with the Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Training Centre (ICJT), has opened the 23rd International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe.
More at official website.
8 September 2014
Please check: Future courses on Nucelar Power Plant Technology
16 June 2014
Construction works in our buildings interferes with our regular business. Most of our fixed telephone numbers are inaccessible. Please call our secretary at +386 1 588 52 98.
The envelope of the building will be reconstructed with new thermal insulation, a new heating/ventilating system will be added.
The works will be finished by September 2014.
Sorry for the inconveniences.
13 June 2014
Please check: Future courses on radiation protection
9 April 2014
Sorry, this content is only available in Slovenian language.
29 March 2014