Datum | Oznaka | Naslov |
2.9.2013 | ECSESRR2013 | Training Course on “Safety evaluation of SAR and oversight for Research Reactors” |
20.5.2013 | ECDSSE2013 | Training Course on “Requirements and safety evaluation of PSA for NPP” |
19.11.2012 | ECDSSE2012 | Training Course on “Design safety and safety evaluation for NPP SAR – 1W” |
15.10.2012 | RCHEM12E | Training in radiochemical methods and radioactivity measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides for advanced practitioners |
1.10.2012 | IAEERRI12 | IAEA Group Fellowship Training Programme on Research Reactors |
3.9.2012 | RCHEM12D | Training in radiochemistry and radioactivity measurements for practitioners from countries eligible under the JRC Enlargement & Integration policy |
11.6.2012 | RCHEM12C | Training in radiochemical methods and radioactivity measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides for advanced practitioners |
11.5.2012 | GTRI-2012 | Europe Regional Physical Protection and Security Management (Practical Exercise Information |
16.4.2012 | RCHEM12B | Training in radiochemical methods and radioactivity measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides for advanced practitioners |
27.2.2012 | RCHEM12A | Training in radiochemical methods and radioactivity measurements of anthropogenic radionuclides for advanced practitioners |
21.11.2011 | RCHEM11A | Training in radiochemistry measurements for practioners from countries eligible under the JRC Enlargement & Integration policy |
7.11.2011 | IAEERRI11_2 | IAEA Group Fellowship Training Programme on Research Reactors |
26.9.2011 | IAPP11 | Interregional Training Course for Nuclear Newcomers on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Facilities |
7.3.2011 | IAEERRI11 | IAEA Group Fellowship Training Programme on Research Reactors |
29.11.2010 | IAPP10 | International Train the Trainers Course on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Facilities |
13.9.2010 | RCHEM10B | Training in radiochemistry measurements for practioners from countries eligible under the JRC Enlargement & Integration policy |
21.6.2010 | IASIMUL10 | IAEA Technical Meeting on the Use of Nuclear Facilities and Simulators as Effective Tools for Education and Preserving Knowledge |
10.5.2010 | RCHEM10A | Training in radiochemistry measurements for practioners from countries eligible under the JRC Enlargement & Integration Policy |
15.3.2010 | IAEERRI10 | IAEA Group Fellowship Training Programme on Research Reactors |
10.12.2007 | IARRW07 | IAEA International Training Course on Research Reactor Water Quality Management |
28.11.2007 | IATPP07 | International Seminar on Physical Protection Training |
1.10.2007 | IANM07 | IAEA Regional Training Course on QA/QC of Nuclear Medicine Instrumentation |
24.9.2007 | IAUPR07 | IAEA Regional Workshop on Safety Analyses and Technical Support Needed for Power Uprates |
14.5.2007 | IAPSA07 | IAEA Regional Workshop on Use of PSA in Support of Plant Maintenance and Inspection Activities |
2.4.2007 | IADET07 | IAEA Regional Workshop on Deterministic Safety Analyses (BE+U) for DBAs |
16.10.2006 | IACOM06 | IAEA Workshop on Communicating with Stakeholders on NPP Operation and Nuclear Safety |
2.10.2006 | IAUPR06 | IAEA Workshop on Safety Analysis and Technical Support for Power Uprates of NPPs |
13.9.2006 | NUCLIDES06 | Radioactivity, Radionuclides & Radiation, 8th multimedia training course with Nuclides.net |
4.9.2006 | IAFPP06 | IAEA Regional Training Course on Foundations of Physical Protection |
4.7.2006 | PLM06 | Plant Life Management for Safe Operation: Systems Analysis and Human Factor in Decision-Making |
3.7.2006 | IASEC06 | IAEA training course on Security of Radioactive sources |
10.4.2006 | IADET06 | IAEA Workshop on Application of Deterministic Safety Analysis |
13.2.2006 | IARB06 | IAEA Regional Workshop on Management of Regulatory Safety Assessment Activities |
3.10.2005 | IAOEF | IAEA Regional Workshop on Operational Experience Feedback |
14.9.2005 | NUCLIDES05 | Radioactivity, Radionuclides & Radiation, A multimedia training course with Nuclides.net |
20.6.2005 | NEWREACT05 | Current Issues in Research and Power Reactors |
13.6.2005 | IAICUPRATE | IAEA Workshop on The Role of Instrumentation and Control in Power Uprating Projects in Nuclear Power Plants |
9.5.2005 | IASA | IAEA Workshop on Safety Analyses in Support of Event Evaluation |
28.2.2005 | IABEUA | IAEA Workshop on Best Estimate and Uncertainty Analyses |
18.10.2004 | IASPENTF | IAEA Technical Meeting on Provisions for Long Term Storage of Spent Fuel |
20.9.2004 | IAREGSELF | IAEA Regional Workshop on Regulatory Bodies Self-Assessment |
19.4.2004 | IABECODE | IAEA Workshop on Best Estimate Code Calculations Including Uncertainties |
5.4.2004 | IAPROACT | IAEA Regional Workshop on Proactive Safety Management |
8.12.2003 | IAMALE | IAEA “Train the Trainers” Workshop on Practical Response to Malevolent Acts involving Radioactive Material |
3.11.2003 | IARPDIAG | IAEA Regional Training Course on Radiation Protection in Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology |
22.9.2003 | IADETPROB | IAEA Workshop on Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods to Enhance Event Investigation |
15.9.2003 | IAWASTEDU | IAEA workshop on “Education and training of personnel of centralised facilities for collection, processing and storage of radioactive waste” |
16.6.2003 | IAOPER | IAEA Training Course on Operational Safety Management Practices |
19.5.2003 | IAMANAG | IAEA Technical Meeting on Management of NPPs in the Process of Market Deregulation |
5.5.2003 | IAMARGINS | IAEA Workshop on Safety Margins, Conservative vs. Best Estimate Analyses, Uncertainty Analyses, V&V of Codes |
8.4.2003 | IAPENTRAC | IAEA PENTRAC Annual Meeting Including Best Practice in NPP Training |
9.12.2002 | IADEGR | IAEA Workshop on “Evaluation of Material Degradation in the Primary Circuit Component” |
2.12.2002 | IAANPSR | IAEA Regional Technical Meeting on “Analysis of Methods and Results for PSRs of NPPs” |
14.10.2002 | IAGPRACT | IAEA Workshop on Good Practices in the Management of Operational Safety and Safety Culture |
30.9.2002 | IASACOMM | IAEA Regional Workshop on Transparency and Communication of Nuclear Safety Issues |
23.7.2002 | IAHARM02 | Area Co-ordination Group (ACG) Meeting on Emergency Medical Preparedness and Response |
3.6.2002 | IASALIF | IAEA Workshop on Safety Analysis Related to Lifetime Extension of NPPs |
26.11.2001 | IAREGEFF | IAEA Workshop on Tools for Enhancement of Regulatory Effectiveness |
19.11.2001 | IACONFIG | IAEA Regional Workshop on Configuration Management Through Plant Service Life |
15.10.2001 | IAMEDIC | IAEA Regional Training Course for Instructor Trainees on Medical Education for Nuclear Accident Preparedness |
10.9.2001 | IAIRAN01 | IAEA Meeting on Configuration Management Implementation |
27.8.2001 | IASAR | IAEA Workshop on Development of Safety Analysis Reports |
18.6.2001 | IALIFSTRAT | IAEA Workshop on Strategies and Policies in Implementation of the NPP Life Management Programmes |
11.6.2001 | IARP2001 | IAEA Regional Training Course on the National Regulatory Programme for the Control of Radiation Sources |
4.6.2001 | NEWREACT | Workshop on Basic and Advanced Reactor Systems |
28.5.2001 | IATREME01R | IAEA “Train the Trainers” Workshop on Practical Response to a Radiological Emergency |
14.5.2001 | IALBB | IAEA Workshop Application of leak-before break concept |
7.5.2001 | IAMODIF | IAEA Regional Workshop on Assessing and Assuring Plant Modifications Safety |
27.3.2001 | IAPUBL01 | IAEA Seminar on “Public Awareness of Nuclear Technologies & Safety Aspects” |
13.11.2000 | IATREMER00 | IAEA “Train the Trainers” Workshop on Practical Response to a Radiological Emergency |
16.10.2000 | IASAFCUL | IAEA Regional Workshop on the Management of Safety and Safety Culture |
4.9.2000 | IADECOM00 | IAEA Workshop on Decommissioning Process: Regulatory, Technical and Managerial Aspects |
4.9.2000 | IAOPSAF4 | IAEA Regional Workshop on Operational Safety Monitoring and Assessment |
2.7.2000 | BEST2000 | Nuclear Energy – A Challenge For The Future |
26.6.2000 | IASG2000 | IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Assessing and Assuring Plant Modification Safety |
22.5.2000 | IALIFPRAC | IAEA Regional Workshop on Good Practices in National Approaches to NPP Life Management |
8.5.2000 | IADESEV | IAEA Workshop on Design, Evaluation and Licensing of NPP Modifications |
29.11.1999 | IAHUMRES | IAEA Workshop on Human Resource Management |
4.11.1999 | VODAKRAS | International Workshop on Karst Hydrology and Karst Water Management |
4.10.1999 | IATREMER | IAEA Regional Train-the-Trainers Course on Radiological Emergency Preparedness |
4.10.1999 | IASAFENH | IAEA Workshop on Enhancement of Operational Safety |
15.8.1999 | BEST99 | Nuclear Energy – a valuable source for sustainable development BEST Summer Course |
28.6.1999 | IACYCEXT | IAEA Regional Workshop on Operating Cycle Extension |
21.6.1999 | IALICOPE | IAEA Regional Workshop on Evaluation and Licensing of NPP Modifications |
7.6.1999 | IATRAINTR | IAEA Regional Training Course on Train the Trainers in Nuclear Safety including the Use of Multifunctional Simulators |
3.5.1999 | IASAFMOD3 | IAEA Regional Workshop on Safety Assessment of Plant Modifications with Emphasis on I & C Modernisation and Human Machine Interfaces |
1.3.1999 | IACOMPSAF | IAEA Regional Workshop on Regulatory Experience in Introducing Advanced Computer Based Technology into Safety Systems at NPP’s |
16.2.1999 | IARAO | IAEA Regional Workshop on the Development of a Legal Infrastructure Governing the Radioactive Waste Resulting From Uranium Mining and Milling and Decommissioning |
17.11.1998 | IADECOM | IAEA Workshop on Decommissioning |
12.10.1998 | IASEVACC | IAEA Workshop on Severe Accident Management (Operator Response & Operator Aids) |
5.10.1998 | IARPNPP | IAEA Workshop on Radiation Protection Issues in NPPs |
21.9.1998 | IAINDICAT | IAEA Workshop on Operational Safety Performance Indicators |
6.7.1998 | IASAFMOD2 | IAEA Workshop on Safety Analysis of Plant Modifications |
23.3.1998 | IAHUMFAC | IAEA Workshop on Human Factors in Nuclear Safety |
27.10.1997 | IAEOPSTR | IAEA Regional Workshop on Review of Accident Analysis for Emergency Operating Procedures and Accident Management Guidelines |
6.10.1997 | IARISKOPT | IAEA/USA Training Course on Risk Based Optimization of NPP Operation |
29.9.1997 | EUEMER | EU Training Course on Off-Site Emergency Planning and Response for Nuclear Accidents |
15.9.1997 | IASAFMOD | IAEA Regional Workshop on Safety Analysis of Plant Modifications |
30.6.1997 | IAEMERRU | IAEA Regional Training Workshop on Guidance on Developing an Effective Emergency Capability and Plan for Nuclear or Radiation Accidents |
23.6.1997 | IASAFDIAG | IAEA Technical Committee on Safety Related Diagnostics and Early Failure Detection Systems |
23.6.1997 | IASGLICEN | IAEA Workshop on Regulatory Assessment of the Safety Report for SG Replacement at the Krško NPP |
16.6.1997 | IAINSPTQ | IAEA Regional Training Course on Inspection Techniques |
7.4.1997 | IAINSTR97 | IAEA Interregional Training Course on Nuclear Instrumentation Maintenance |
30.9.1996 | IASOURCE | IAEA Training Course on Source Term Determination and Emergency Planing |
24.6.1996 | IAINSTR01 | IAEA Interregional Training Course on Nuclear Electronics |
4.12.1995 | IAREACT | IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Technology and Trends for Research Reactor I&C |
23.10.1995 | IAOPTIM | IAEA Training Course on Optimisation of Preventive Maintenance |
6.6.1995 | IAQA95 | IAEA Quality Assurance Seminar |
3.4.1995 | NRCEMER01 | IAEA-NRC Training Course on Practical Tools for Assessment and Consequence Projection during Radiological Accidents |
13.3.1995 | IAFIRE | IAEA Training Course on Fire Protection and Environmental Qualification of Safety Significant Systems and Components of the Nuclear Power Plants |
24.10.1994 | IAINTEGR | IAEA Training Course on Safety Aspects of Primary System Integrity and Remedial Actions |
12.9.1994 | IAJOB | IAEA Training Course on Job and Task Analysis in Training Process |
4.7.1994 | IAASSET | IAEA Seminar on Assessment of Safety Significant Events – ASSET |
1.6.1994 | IAASCOT | IAEA Safety Culture Seminar – ASCOT |
30.8.1993 | IAACCMAN | IAEA Training Course on In-Plant Accident Management for NPP Operation |
24.5.1993 | IAMAINT | IAEA Training Course on PSA Applications for Improvement of Operational Safety and Maintenance |
14.9.1992 | IAPREVMA | IAEA Training Course on Safety Aspects of Preventive Maintenance |
1.10.1990 | IAAGEING | IAEA Training Course on safety Aspects of Ageing Phenomena in NPP`s |
25.6.1990 | IASEV01 | IAEA Training Course on Management of Severe Accidents in PWR Nuclear Power Plants |
1.6.1987 | IAPC | IAEA Training Course on Application of Small Computers to Research Reactor Operation |
23.3.1987 | IAGAMA | IAEA Workshop on Gamma Spectrometry |
15.9.1986 | IAABNOR | IAEA Training Course on Safety and Reliability in NPP Operation, Part 2: Prevention of Abnormal Occurrences |
19.5.1986 | IAPROBA | IAEA Training Course on Safety and Reliability in Nuclear Power Plant Operation; Part 1: Probabilistic Safety Analysis Methods |
24.3.1986 | IARESRE | IAEA Workshop on Application in Nuclear Data and Reactor Physics Workshop on Research Reactor Calculations |
13.8.1984 | NRCPWR | NRC Training Course on PWR Technology |
6.6.1983 | IAEPLAN | IAEA Training Course on Energy Planning in Developing Countries with Special Attention to Nuclear Energy |