Datum | Oznaka | Naslov |
15.11.2010 | RCHEM10D | Training in radiochemistry measurements for practioners from countries eligible under the JRC Enlargement & Integration policy |
18.10.2010 | RCHEM10C | Training in radiochemistry measurements for practioners from countries eligible under the JRC Enlargement & Integration policy |
18.5.2009 | SIMUL09 | SNSA advanced training using simulators |
12.7.2007 | RZPREVOZ07 | Initial training for security of transport of nuclear materials |
26.3.2007 | SIMUL07 | SNSA advanced training, using simulators, on safety related NPP Krško systems |
25.9.2006 | SIMUL06 | SNSA advanced training, using simulators, on safety related NPP Krško systems |
6.7.2006 | NUID06 | Training of SNSA Expert Groups for the Emergency Response |
31.5.2005 | NUID05 | Training of SNSA Expert Groups for the Emergency Response |
23.5.2005 | SIMUL05 | SNSA advanced training, using simulators, on safety related NPP Krško systems |
8.11.2004 | KRATKI04 | SNSA Staff Training – Selected Systems of NPP Krško |
25.10.2004 | NUID04 | Training of SNSA Expert Groups for the Emergency Response |
4.10.2004 | SIM04 | SNSA Staff Advanced Training on Simulators – Phase II |
26.4.2004 | BEST2004 | Let’s join to split atoms |
4.11.2003 | ZSRZ03 | Teachers’ seminar: Radiation protection |
23.10.2003 | NUID03 | Training of SNSA Expert Groups for the Emergency Response |
20.10.2003 | SIM03 | SNSA Staff Advanced Training on Simulators |
24.4.2003 | ZSRZ02 | Teachers’ seminar: Radiation protection |
12.3.2003 | FIELDSPEC | Practical Use of the FieldSPEC Instrument |
16.7.2002 | RZWMD | WMD Radiological Response and Detection |
6.12.2001 | METRIX3 | How to make successful product? |
3.12.2001 | SIM2001 | Training at Multifunctional simulator for regulatory body |
29.10.2001 | ZSUČITEL | Teacher’s seminar: Nuclear energy, advantages and weaknesses |
14.2.2001 | ČMRLJ | Review of the information activities |
14.6.1999 | RAOCCEN | Performance Assessment Training Course for the Slovenian Near-Surface Disposal Facility |
27.5.1999 | BIOLOG99 | Lecture about radioactivity to biology students |
15.3.1999 | RETORIKA | Training Course in Rhetoric |
18.12.1998 | UVODACCE | Introduction to MS Access |
20.10.1997 | INTWORD97 | Word97 in ICJT |
10.12.1996 | INFOJAV | Public Information about Nuclear Technology |